100 postcards in a 4-image assortment. Four historic photographs of Women's Suffrage Movement from demonstrations in 1917 and 1918 in Washington, DC during the struggle to win the 19th amendment to the Constitution.
Photos from the Library of Congress have been retouched and custom-colorized with captions to tell the story of women working to get the vote.

Back side has high-quality, uncoated writing surface. Back is marked with address lines, a caption describing the Votes For Women struggle, credit and web address where you or your recipient can learn more of the story of image on the card.
The cards are the maximum size a card can be and be mailed using USPS postcard postage rate.
Union printed. (Fun fact: Trade unions were very supportive of the Women's Suffrage movement. We at Post Emily pay tribute, and support vendors who make it possible to live well and with dignity.)
A word on shipping. Our shopping cart software does not tell you the shipping price until you're nearly done with your order. Post Emily ships using U.S. Postal Service Priority Mail using flat-rate shipping containers. We pass our costs directly to you. No handling fee.
Shipping costs for a 2 postcard pack is just a nickel more than the cost to ship a package of one. Perhaps you'd like to purchase an extra package for a friend and pay just a nickel more for shipping?